First-Time Home Buyer Incentives: What You Need To Know!
The 44th podcast episode of the Toronto Livings Real Estate Podcast dives into the numerous incentives available to first-time homebuyers in Ontario. The hosts, Mark Savel and Joey Virgilio, discuss the six homebuyer incentives, one of which was eliminated recently, that buyers can take advantage of.
They also discuss their trip to Othership for an ice bath networking event, their dining experience at Dairy Freeze, and expose some shady things happening in the real estate industry, providing their listeners with useful information.
(00:00) Introduction and Overview of the Episode
(00:47) Welcome to the Toronto Livings Podcast
(01:36) First Time Home Buyer Incentives
(01:46) Weekly Highlights and Personal Experiences
(06:04) News You Can Use: Real Estate Industry Updates
(11:26) Deep Dive into First Time Home Buyer Incentives
(18:30) Leveraging RSPs for Home Ownership
(18:57) Understanding the RRSP Benefit
(19:42) Introducing the First Home Savings Account (FHSA)
(20:04) The Benefits of the FHSA
(21:47) Investment Strategies for Your FHSA
(23:07) First Time Home Buyers Tax Credit
(25:00) GST/HST New Housing Rebate
(28:20) The End of the First Time Home Buyer Incentive
(32:41) Summary of Home Buyer Incentives
(34:03) Closing Remarks and Shout Outs
Shout Outs
Othership –
Lisbon Hotel –
Dairy Freeze –
Keyzer Reid Real Estate Group
MediaRama Studios –